"I’m creating products and solutions that help other people. I’m doing what I want to do — and oh yeah, it’s beginning to show in my wallet too. But it’s my spirit that drives my greatness, not my bank account." - The Rockefeller Files

Product focus isn't about dangling a carrot in front of a student. It is about students buying-in to what they are doing. They will be driven by the medium. This does not mean that design with product focus is all about having fun, but fun and learning are natural by-products.

Product Focus does NOT mean that teachers should design work that makes students create a poster just so a product is tied to the work. Nor, does the "performance" element of product focus imply that the students should perform by taking a test. 

When product focus is a design quality in work, the product, performance or exhibition must be important and relevant; it must carry value and meaning to the student.  Usain Bolt's performance held value and meaning for him, so product focus fits into his work design. 


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